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Athlete's Foot

What is Athlete's Foot ?

Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the toes. It occurs due to heat and humidity when a person suffers from perspiration and wears tight shoes. Athlete's foot is transmitted through contaminated towels, clothing or shoes. It can affect one or both feet and can spread from the foot to other parts of the body. The fungus that causes jock itch 'Dermatophyte' also causes athlete's foot.

What is Athlete's foot


Athlete's foot is caused by contagious fungi called dermatophytes. It spreads through direct contact with infected individuals or contaminated surfaces. Warm and humid environments, tight footwear, and walking barefoot in public areas contribute to its development.

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Athlete's foot transmission
Athlete's foot Prevention
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Athlete's foot can be prevented or you can avoid spreading it to others with the following tips:

  • Wear open-toed shoes to allow your feet to air out.
  • Change socks daily.
  • Wash feet daily.
  • Protect your feet in public places.
  • Avoid sharing socks and shoes.

Signs and Symptoms

The most common symptoms of athlete's foot are:

  • Itching
  • Blisters
  • Cracked or peeling skin
  • Burning
  • Dry skin between the toes and the side of the foot


Treatment to cure athlete's foot includes antifungal cream or tablets such as:

Topical medications: ketoconazole, cycloprox and Naftifine.
Oral medications: Terbinafine.

athletes foot treatment plans

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