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Motion Sickness

What is Motion Sickness?

It is a discomfort that occurs when people are in motion in a car, at sea or on a boat, in an airplane and in an amusement park. Motion sickness occurs because the brain does not assimilate the information sent to it by the eyes, ears and body: due to the confused reaction of the brain, it causes people to feel dizzy. It frequently occurs in women and children but can affect anyone.

What is motion sickness


Motion sickness occurs when your brain receives conflicting signals from your inner ears, eyes, and body's proprioceptive receptors during motion. This sensory mismatch, often encountered in vehicles or moving environments, leads to symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Certain factors, including individual sensitivity, motion patterns, and lack of fresh air, can exacerbate the condition. To alleviate motion sickness, focus on stable reference points, sit in less motion-prone areas, and consider medications if necessary.

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Causes of Motion Sickness
Motion Sickness Prevention
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Common symptoms of motion sickness are:

  • Drink water or soothing mint-based herbal teas.
  • Avoid large, greasy meals.
  • Go to places with good air ventilation.
  • Focus your gaze straight ahead without being distracted by objects or mobile devices.
  • If possible, lie down and close your eyes.

Signs and Symptoms

There are physical and emotional signs and symptoms. It is important not to confuse shyness or awkwardness as social anxiety since some people are more extroverted than others.

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Paleness
  • Heavy breathing
  • Cold sweating


There are a few ways to treat the symptoms of motion sickness including:
-Scopolamine patches

Social Anxiety Treatment

How it  Works   

Step 1

Answer a 5-minute online questionnaire

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